Haifa Blog

Share your experience and take advantage of others knowledge. Haifa blog is your connection with associates worldwide. 
This is the place to share your experience, consult with experts and other growers, present growth results, publish pictures, and much more.

Haifa participa en Congreso Internacional del Tomate, en la ciudad de Querétaro, Qro

El pasado 27 al 29 de agosto Haifa México participó por sexta ocasión en el…

Eureka, Fertilizantes NPK en Big Bag

Eureka es una línea de fertilizantes NPK, cristalino y totalmente soluble en…

Jornada de campo (Haifa Iberia - Hijos de Federico Climet)

Haifa Iberia, en colaboración con Hijos de Federico Climet, celebró el pasado…

Fertilisation is more than adding fertilizers!

With the free available Haifast software (https://www.haifa-group.com/…

Foliar Fertilization Program for Citrus Orchards

The foliar application of Potassium Nitrate in Citrus has been studied for many…

Welcome to Haifa Community - Share your experience and take advantage of others' knowledge

Haifa Community is your connection with associates worldwide. Community members…

Introduction and Invitation to Participate in this Haifa Blogging Community

My name is Eric Waldo. I am the Regional Manager for Haifa North America in the…

Finally... does Cl have a significant role in fertilization? - mostly in open field crops

Let's see some significant disadvantages of using fertilizers with high…

Strict program delivers WA’s top strawberries (DOWNUNDER)

Strict program delivers WA’s top strawberries WESTERN Australian grower Chi…