Haifa Blog

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This is the place to share your experience, consult with experts and other growers, present growth results, publish pictures, and much more.

Better Wheat Yield and higher NUE with HaifaStim™ VIM S

In a commercial durum wheat plot in Italy, a trial was conducted to evaluate…

One hundred years of wheat research history in Aaronsohn farm

The discovery of wild wheat by Aaron Aaronsohn in the north of Israel in 1906…

How to prevent fertilizer wash-off during rainy seasons

Field crop growers always wait for rain to germinate the seeds and water the…

Precision agriculture: Israeli technology for better nutrition with less resources

(Daniela Usaquén, Isi Kela, Motti Levin, Claudia Coronado, Andrés Noreña,…

Nutrition tweaks to help feed the world

The world understands one of the great challenges ahead remains the need to…

Wheat foliar feeding

One of the benefits of foliar feeding is growth boosting at specific times…

Zinc deficiency in plants: 8 surprising facts and ways of coping.

Although Zinc in considered to be a Microelement, its role is crucial in plants…

Haifa Group at the Urban AGRI Summit 2017 (CRF presentation)

Last month Haifa South Africa participated at the Urban Agri Summit 2017. As an…

How did Balkan wild wheat growers overcome heavy rains?

The Balkan area in Southeast Europe not only offers a breathtaking view, it…

CRF in field crops. A case study becomes a success story!

It was only last year that the idea of Haifa SouthEast Europe to implememt the…

Multicote™ Agri for Wheat: Fertilize & Forget

Wheat growers discovered the benefits of Haifa's coated Urea: less labor, less…

Potassium nitrate for wheat: the foliar application effect

A field trial conducted in Italy showed the significant role of foliar applied…