Haifa Blog

Share your experience and take advantage of others knowledge. Haifa blog is your connection with associates worldwide. 
This is the place to share your experience, consult with experts and other growers, present growth results, publish pictures, and much more.

Are you ready for " La Niña"?

According to climate scientists, we are in the middle of "La Niña" climate…

Agronomic Q&A: Which Haifa fertilizers are recommended for hydroponics?

Haifa Group's agronomy experts receive all kinds of professional questions and…

Reviving the oak forest - with Multicote™ Inside

When you think of the landscape of the Land of Israel, forest is not the first…

Yossi Bachar, Chairman of the Board of Directors passed away

Haifa Group, the owners, management and employees are saddened by the passing…

The "Umbrella Effect" of Multicote Agri

Multicote Agri prevents leaching and run-off of nutrients during the rainy…

Improving your vegetables with Poly-Feed ready NPK formula

The 2 stage Poly-Feed fertilization program for vegetable growers Haifa Poly-…

Tips to facilitate greenhouse maintenance

Modern greenhouse growers are facing the challenge of providing efficient plant…

Post-harvest and fall fertilization in apple

A proper post-harvest fertilization of apple orchards is highly important. High…

World Food Day 2020

Founded in 1945 to unite all nations in the fight against hunger, FAO…

Global fertilizer Day 2020

Every year on October 13th, we celebrate the Global Fertilizer Day.…

Coming close to IDEAL FERTILIZER (IF)

In the past 5 years the fertilizer industry has developed and produced the…

Greenhouse production in Greece

Haifa Group CEO Motti Levin together with HSEE CEO Thanasis Rosoglou visited…